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CWD Research Database
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Acta Neuropathologica
Animal genetics
Animal health research reviews...
Annals of the New York academy...
Annual review of animal biosci...
Annual review of pathology: Me...
Annual review of physical chem...
Annual review of public health...
Arch Neurol.
Biochemical and Biophysical Re...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
Biology letters
BioMed Research International
Biotechnology and applied bioc...
BMC Research notes
BMC Veterinary Research
Book: Infectious diseases of w...
Book: Prion proteins
Book: Prions and diseases: Vol...
Book: Safety of meat and proce...
Book: Viral infections of Huma...
British Medical Bulletin
Canadian Journal of Agricultur...
Canadian journal of veterinary...
Canadian journal of zoology
Cell Reports
Clinical and vaccine immunolog...
Clinics in laboratory medicine...
Cold Spring Harbor Perspective...
Ecological Applications
Ecological Modelling
Ecological monographs
Ecology letters
Emerging infectious diseases
Environmental and ecological s...
Environmental and resource eco...
Environmental Health
Environmental science and tech...
European food safety authority...
Evolutionary Applications
Experimental and molecular pat...
Experimental eye research
Expert review of anti-infectiv...
FEBS Journal
Frontiers in microbiology
Gene Reports
Geospatial health
Government information quarter...
Human dimension of wildlife
ILAR Journal
Immunopathology and infectious...
International Immunology
International Journal of Globa...
ISRN biomathematics
ISRN veterinary science
Journal of american veterinary...
Journal of applied ecology
Journal of biological physics
Journal of chromatography A
Journal of clinical microbiolo...
Journal of comparative patholo...
Journal of data science
Journal of environmental engin...
Journal of environmental quali...
Journal of fish and wildlife m...
Journal of general virology
Journal of heredity
Journal of Immunological Metho...
Journal of leisure research
Journal of mammalogy
Journal of Mathematical Biolog...
Journal of microbiology and bi...
Journal of molecular biology
Journal of Neuropathology & Ex...
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of preventative veteri...
Journal of structural biology
Journal of the American Dietet...
Journal of the Pennsylvania Ac...
Journal of theoretical biology...
Journal of toxicology and envi...
Journal of veterinary diagnost...
Journal of veterinary medical ...
Journal of veterinary science
Journal of virological methods...
Journal of virology
Journal of visualized experime...
Journal of wildlife diseases
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Me...
Landscape Ecology
Lessons From 2 Highly Suspicio...
Mammalian Genome
Medical hypotheses
Methods in molecular biology
Microbiology and Immunology
Microbiology and molecular bio...
Microscopy research and techni...
Molecular Brain
Nature Biotechnology
Nature communications
Nature ecology and evolution
Nature methods
Nature Protocols
Nature reviews immunology
Nature reviews molecular cell ...
Neurochemical Research
Neuroscience letters
Northeastern Naturalist
Plos One
Plos Pathogens
Population ecology
Preventative Veterinary Medici...
Proceedings of the royal socie...
Progress in molecular biology ...
Public Health
Reviews in mineralogy and geoc...
Revue scientifique et techniqu...
Risk analysis
Scientific reports
Small ruminant research
Society and natural resources
Soil biology and biochemistry
The American midland naturalis...
The Canadian Journal of Veteri...
The Canadian Veterinary Journa...
The EMBO Journal
The FASEB Journal
The journal of biological chem...
The journal of clinical invest...
The journal of immunology
The Journal of Infectious Dise...
The Journal of Molecular Diagn...
The Journal of Neuroscience
The journal of veterinary medi...
The journal of wildlife manage...
The veterinary record
Transactions of the North Amer...
Transboundary and emerging dis...
Veterinary Microbiology
Veterinary pathology
Veterinary Quarterly
Veterinary record
Veterinary research
Virology Journal
Virus research
Wildlife Biology
Wildlife Society Bulletin
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Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance
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